Choose from 9 one-to-one Italian lessons in Venice
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One-to-one business Italian lessons in Venice are for business executives and professionals who want to learn Italian as quickly as possible with customized lessons and a private Italian teacher.
Italian language One to One course is for students that wants to learn really quick. Lesson can last one hour, one hour and half or two hours every day (Monday-Friday).
This Italian course is aimed at all students who want to learn or perfect the Italian language and at the same time discover Venice and its history and culture.
Individual course 5 days 7.
Italian language one to one course is the way to learn Italian as quick as you can. For 60 minutes you will have the opportunity to speak with your personal teacher and adress him/her evey doubts that you have.
Italian language course One to one very energetic course based on Modern techniques with high-quality teachers. You will have fun learning the Italian language as quickly as you can! 10 hours 450 euro
Private language lessons for people who need to learn or master their italian language for specific fields such as: art history, literature, medicine, economics, politics and diplomacy, etc.
You can start this course at any time of the year.
Flight attendants Italian Course is really intensive and consists in 1 week/2 weeks lessons.
This is a course for cabin crew members who’d like to be able to communicate with Italian passengers in their native tongue.
Art History course (One to One) is a customized course about Venetian art history. Teacher will follow you and you will have 2 hours every day to ask everything you want.
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